Thank you to all of you who e-mailed me with suggestions, bug reports and helpful comments. Many of your suggestions have been implemented and the programme should now be quite useful.
The windows are bigger and stack automatically. I will include a "remember last window size" in the next version if people still want it.
Drag and drop text on Macs with the Drag Manager installed (or System 7.5 or later).
Autoscrolling (scrolling when the cursor is dragged beyond the top or bottom of the window) is now implemented.
TextBrowser now converts text to mac format when copying. This feature can be turned off in the Preferences if you don't want the text to be converted.
"Find" is now case insensitive or case sensitive ("Match Case").
Support for Internet Config if it is installed:
Command clicking on a selection asks Internet Config to open a URL (Uniform Resource Locator).
Internet Config is a "must have" if you use your Mac for surfing the Net. It is available from "" or the major Mac umich or info-mac mirror sites. (TextBrowser does not use TextEdit, so the ICCee extension does not need to be installed)
Checking "Quit when last window is closed" in the Preferences will make the application quit if the last window is closed (what else?).
• double click selects a word
• triple click selects a line
• option double-click selects a URL instead of a word
• command-click asks Internet Config to open a URL
• support for Unix "More" key commands ie
<page up> or "b" - back one page
<space> - forward one page
<home> or "t" - top of document
<end> - bottom of document
"h" - hexadecimal mode
"a" - ascii mode
"q" - quit
Bug Fixes from version 1.0:
The first letter of a line would sometimes disappear . This was due to a silly logic error and has been fixed.
On machines running in 256 or more colours with the hilite colour in the Colors Control set to "Black and White", both background and text were black. This now works correctly.
Future plans:
Conform better with Apple Human Interface Guidelines. (For example selected text is supposed to un-hilite when a window becomes inactive)
Choice of fonts and sizes.
Regular expressions (for example wild card character *) in Find box.